Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society Accepted as Full Member of FENS

We are delighted to share the exciting news that the Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society has been accepted as a full member of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS). This prestigious recognition represents a significant milestone in our mission to advance neuroscience research and foster collaboration both within Azerbaijan and internationally.

Why This Matters: Becoming a full member of FENS is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our members and the vibrant scientific community in Azerbaijan. This membership opens up new opportunities for our society to engage with the global neuroscience community, participate in pioneering research, and contribute to the development of innovative solutions to neurological challenges.

Membership Benefits: As a full member of FENS, the Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society gains access to a wide range of exclusive benefits, including:

  • Reduced-rate registration at the FENS Forum, FENS Regional Meeting (FRM), FENS schools, and Brain Conferences.
  • Eligibility for selected travel grants.
  • Eligibility for FENS/IBRO-PERC exchange fellowships.
  • Possibility of registration and abstract slot submission at Society for Neuroscience (SfN) member rates for SfN annual meetings.
  • Unlimited free submissions to the FENS Job Market.
  • Free online access to the FENS journal, European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN).
  • Discounts on subscriptions to several other top neuroscience journals.
  • Access to Neuronline, the SfN online platform.

Looking Ahead: As a full member of FENS, the Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society is now better positioned to foster international collaborations, share knowledge, and drive impactful research initiatives. We are excited about the future and the potential to make significant strides in understanding the complexities of the brain and improving neurological health.

Thank You: We are grateful to FENS for this honor and to all our supporters for their belief in our mission. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of neuroscience and contribute to the global scientific community.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities as we embark on this exciting new chapter!

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