International Brain Bee

The International Brain Bee was founded in 1998 by Dr. Norbert Myslinski with a mission to build better brains to fight brain disorders. Since its inception, the International Brain Bee has inspired thousands of students to study and pursue careers in neuroscience. The International Brain Bee promotes student engagement with neuroscience through a three-tiered competition: students start by signing up for a Local Brain Bee, the winners of which compete in their country’s National Brain Bee. Every year, National Brain Bees send one representative to compete at the IBB World Championship.

Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society (ANS) is glad to announce its partnership with the International Brain Bee Competition. ANS will organize the “1st International Neuroscience Competition for High School Students” in 2024. Winners of the Azerbaijan Championship will qualify to represent Azerbaijan in the International Brain Bee competition next year.

Join the Brain Bee Competition!

Are you fascinated by the mysteries of the human brain? Do you want to challenge your knowledge and compete with your peers? The Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society invites all high school students to participate in the local Brain Bee competition!

Test your understanding of brain anatomy, functions, and diseases, and showcase your skills in neuroscience. This is your chance to dive deep into the world of neuroscience, learn from experts, and win exciting prizes!

Event Details:

  • Date: July 21, 2024
  • Location: Online, access to the online competition will be provided upon registration
  • Registration Deadline: July 15

Get ready to compete at the local level! Winners will have the opportunity to advance to national and potentially international competitions.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore your passion for neuroscience and represent your school! Sign up today and take the first step towards becoming a neuroscience champion!

The Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society is excited to announce the local Brain Bee competition, a unique opportunity for high school students to delve into the fascinating world of neuroscience. We invite you to encourage your students to participate in this challenging and educational event.

The Brain Bee competition tests students’ knowledge of brain anatomy, functions, and neurological diseases, fostering a deeper understanding of neuroscience. It’s an excellent way for students to engage in scientific exploration, enhance their critical thinking skills, and gain recognition for their academic achievements. Many questions will be derived from the typical biology curriculum as taught in Azerbaijan Republic, but some questions will explore topics beyond school level to identify the brightest talents ready to go an extra mile. 

Event Details:

  • Date: July 21, 2024
  • Location: Online, access to the online competition will be provided upon registration
  • Registration Deadline: July 15

The top performers at the local level will have the chance to advance to national and international competitions.

This competition not only inspires students to pursue careers in neuroscience but also brings prestige to your school. Please encourage your students to participate and support them in their preparation.

For more information and to register your students, please visit [Insert Website/Contact Information].

Together, let’s spark a passion for neuroscience in our students and help them achieve their full potential!

Register by purchasing ticket to the event. Deadline for registration is July 21, 2024.

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.
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