Benefits of membership


As a member society for both the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), ANS offers a wealth of opportunities and exclusive benefits to its members.

1. Access to FENS Benefits:

  • Reduced-rate registration: ANS members can avail reduced rates for registration at FENS events such as the FENS Forum, FENS Regional Meeting (FRM), FENS schools, and Brain Conferences.
  • Travel grants: Eligibility for selected travel grants to attend various neuroscience events and conferences organized by FENS.
  • FENS/IBRO-PERC exchange fellowships: Opportunities for research exchanges and collaborations through the FENS/IBRO-PERC exchange fellowships.
  • Access to FENS Job Market: Unlimited free submissions to the FENS Job Market, connecting members with job opportunities in the neuroscience field.
  • Free online access to EJN: ANS members can enjoy free online access to the European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN), the official journal of FENS.
  • Discounts on subscriptions: ANS members are eligible for discounts on subscriptions to several other top neuroscience journals affiliated with FENS.
  • Access to Neuronline: ANS members can access Neuronline, the online platform provided by the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), offering a plethora of resources and networking opportunities.

2. Exclusive IBRO Benefits:

  • Academic exchanges and career-enhancing opportunities: ANS members can benefit from academic exchanges, training, laboratory short-stays, volunteer opportunities, and committee positions facilitated by IBRO.
  • Stay updated with IBRO Highlights: ANS members can stay abreast of the latest developments in neuroscience through the IBRO Highlights newsletter, webinars, and publications.
  • Increased visibility for ANS: ANS gains visibility through IBRO’s communication channels, providing exposure to the global neuroscience community.
  • Representation opportunities: ANS members can influence the direction of IBRO’s programs, World Congresses, and other initiatives, ensuring their voice is heard in shaping global neuroscience.
  • Regional committee involvement: ANS members can liaise with IBRO’s Regional Committees to participate in defined programs and regional career opportunities.

3. Additional ANS Membership Benefits:

  • Networking opportunities: Connect with fellow neuroscientists, researchers, and professionals both locally and internationally, fostering collaborations and knowledge exchange.
  • Professional development: Access to workshops, seminars, and conferences organized by ANS, aimed at enhancing skills and knowledge in neuroscience.
  • Recognition and awards: ANS recognizes outstanding contributions to neuroscience through various awards and honors.
  • Community engagement: Participate in outreach programs and initiatives aimed at raising awareness about neuroscience and its importance in society.

Join ANS Today and Unlock Your Full Potential in Neuroscience!

Become a member of the Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society today to take advantage of these exclusive benefits and join a vibrant community of neuroscience enthusiasts and professionals dedicated to advancing the field.

For more information on membership benefits and how to join, please contact us [insert contact information].

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