1st Azerbaijan Neuroscience Conference

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Hilton Hotel Baku

We are delighted to announce the 1st Azerbaijan Neuroscience Conference, organized by the Azerbaijan Neuroscience Society in collaboration with the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) and Neyroelm MMC. This pioneering event will take place on September 28th, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in the vibrant city of Baku, Azerbaijan.

Bringing together leading experts, researchers, and enthusiasts from around the world, the conference aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue, share groundbreaking discoveries, and catalyze advancements in the dynamic field of neuroscience. Join us for a day of insightful presentations, engaging discussions, and networking opportunities as we delve into the latest developments shaping the future of brain science. We look forward to welcoming you to this landmark occasion! See the event page for more details.

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Ticket type: Ticket Qty: Per Ticket Price:
Conference ticket
Ultrasound workshop
Conference + Ultrasound workshop
Quantity: Total

Event Location:

  • Hilton Hotel Baku
  • Baku
  • Azerbaijan

Event Schedule Details

  • 28/09/2024 08:30
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